Tuesday, January 18, 2011

January 18, 2011

"No temptation has overtaken you except what is common to mankind. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can endure it." 1 Corinthians 10:13~
     I have heard people say; “God is tempting me.” WRONG! GOD does not tempt us; our evil desires are the one that tempt us. When we do not keep our focus on GOD and on the path HE has laid out for us we become tempted. Temptation has many forms; drinking, cheating, lying, pornography; anything that can eventually bring us harm and shame can be consider as a temptation.
     The best thing about all of it is that GOD will never let us be tempted beyond what we can handle. Every temptation has a solution; the solution is as simple as a prayer. When you feel the urge of doing something you know is not right and will take your focus away from what really matters, PRAY!
     GOD’s way out for our temptation is prayer and knowing HIS word. Claiming HIS’ promises, keeping our faith and feet on the right path. There is nothing in this world worth getting in trouble. The reward that await all of us who have accepted JESUS as our LORD and SAVIOR is one that this world could never offer and don’t have anything to compare to.
FOOD FOR THOUGHT: Will you call on GOD on your moment of weakness? Or will you try to deal with your temptation(s) by yourself? Do not let temptations get the best of you or keep you from your rewards.

Monday, January 17, 2011

January 17, 2011

"Do everything without complaining and arguing, so that no one can criticize you. Live clean, innocent lives as children of God, shining like bright lights in a world full of crooked and perverse people." Philippians 2:14-15, NLT~
     It's Monday & some of us have to work. Those who are enjoying the day off, make the best of it. For those that have to work, don’t be upset. You may have a boss that takes you for granted, or maybe overwork you. But I’m sure it beats the alternative, been unemployed.
     Be happy with the job you have, even if you don’t like it. GOD has put you there for a reason. You may be the only smile or kind word a person will ever receive. Maybe you will be the one to plant that seed of the gospel in them by your actions and attitude. Remember that everyone is made to GOD’s image. When we serve others we serve GOD. Even the people we may not want to deal with are made to HIS image.
     Now is your chance to make a difference in someone’s life. Make it a goal this week to don’t complain or ague about anything. Let GOD guide you through the week so you can reflects GOD’s light in is this dark world we live in. Don’t give people a reason to criticize you or your actions. We are children of GOD and like such we should behave.
FOOD FOR THOUGHT: Are you are going to be the grouch of your work place? Or are you going to let GOD use you to guide others to HIM? It’s not easy to be children of GOD, because we are under constant attack from the enemy. But is the greatest honor ever!

Sunday, January 16, 2011

January 16, 2011

"Direct your children onto the right path, and when they are older, they will not leave it." Proverbs 22:6 NLT~
     Directing our children is easier said than done. But do not give up yet! Our children are living in a hard & confusing world. It is up to us to direct them in the right path. But then they grow and become teenagers that think they know it all.
     Trying to have a conversation with teenagers can be exhausting if you do not get their attention using words they can relate to; you will never get your point across by talking to them the way our parent did to us. Don’t ever think they are not listening because they are rolling their eyes or because they are completely ignoring you.  We still their parents and even when we think we have been replace by their friends, or the cellphone or a complete stranger we are the ones they call when everything else fail.
     But if we instruct them on the word of GOD they will learn to turn to HIM when they feel lost. They will learn how to make wise choices rather than impulse choices. Our children’s generation is one that is been told to live life at 100 MPH without time for the things that really matters. Our children don’t know it yet but they are approaching adulthood faster than we did. They are missing up on all the little things that really matter.
     Today is more important for them to keep up with the most friends on Facebook, the best cellphone, the best car, the best clothes, how many girlfriends or boyfriends, who had sex or who gets the most money by doing nothing.  We are still the parents and we need to instruct them on what really matters. Life is not easy, their generation is growing to be one that demands what it wants and is given to them. Hard work is something the majority of them don’t know about.
     When is time for them to face life and they have not been instructed in the word of GOD they will find life hard to live. But if we are there for them no matter what and remind them that GOD is the only one that has the right answer then and only then they will understand what you have been telling them all along.
FOOD FOR THOUGHT: Are you willing to keep instructing your children in the word of GOD? Or are you going to leave it up to them?

Saturday, January 15, 2011

January 15, 2011

"Trust in the Lord with all your heart; do not depend on your own understanding. Seek his will in all you do, and he will show you which path to take." Proverbs 3:5-6, NLT~
      Thank you LORD because I don't have to depend on my own understanding or I would be really lost.  How many times do we face situations that make us have a change of plans and we do not understand why. I like to have “To Do” list for almost everything. For a very long time I would blame others for my list not getting accomplish. It took for me to have GOD right on my face to understand that others were not to blame, just me.
     I learn that when my priorities are not in the order they should be, nothing in my “To Do” list will get done. Even when I thought I was putting GOD first, I was still trying to tell GOD how thinks should be done. WRONG!!! Never tell GOD how HE needs to do things for you; HE knows what is best for us even when we do not understand it.  
     I learn that by given HIM my full attention first thing when I open my eyes makes my day so much better. Then I pray over my schedule and the things I would like to do for the day. But I also pray that HIS will would be done. There are no worries for me when I give everything to HIM. I don’t try to understand the situations that present themselves through the day. If I understand them fine, if not is fine too. I know my Heavenly Father is in control and HE knows what is best for me.
     So today don’t wonder about what is going to happen. Whatever it is let it be and give full control of it to GOD. HE will show you the path. Even when we will not understand or have a logical explanation GOD does and that is more than enough. Do not stop praying, especially if you are confused. Let GOD guide you! HE will not take you where HE can’t protect you.
FOOD FOR THOUGHT: Are you willing to ask GOD for wisdom and understanding for the situations that you are dealing with in life? Or are you going to keep doing what you think are best without asking GOD to show you the right path to take?    

Friday, January 14, 2011

January 14, 2011

"Anyone who says he loves God but in fact hates his brother or sister is a liar. He doesn't love his brother or sister, whom he has seen. So he can't love God, whom he has not seen. Here is the command God has given us. Anyone who loves God must also love his brothers and sisters." 1 John 4:20-21, NIrV~
      How many times do we hear people saying that they believe in GOD and that they love GOD; but as soon as someone hurts their feelings they just slander the other person. Usually the choice of words is not the best when we feel hurt. Just like I mention before; our tongue can encourage someone or can hurt someone.  
     If we call ourselves Christians, we should be the first one showing love to others. Not just only to those we are sharing the word of GOD with but also with our Christian brothers and sisters. You may think is hard, and it is. Sometimes we encounter fellow Christians that the things they say and do makes us wonder about them. We must not judge, as fellow Christians we should pray because only GOD knows what that person is going through.
     This is something we also need to instruct our children on too. The siblings’ rivalry is a normal thing, who’s has not had a fight with a brother or sister. Usually we get over it. But these day kids can say the must hurtful things to each other. One thing that gets to me is when I hear my kids arguing about something completely insignificant (for me) and their last word to each other is “I hate you!”
     It break my heart, hate is such a harsh word. I told my kids that rather than say “I hate you!” how about say “I don’t like you!” or just like my grandmother use to say “If you don’t have anything nice to say, don’t say anything at all.” I do believe that our everyday busyness and our stress about particular situations get to them too. They are learning from us about how to deal with frustration and sometimes we are not the best example for them.
FOOD FOR THOUGHT: GOD love us no matter what; we love our children no matter what they say or do. So, why is so hard for us to love others like Christ love us? Why do we show a hateful attitude to those who hurt us? We may pray that GOD will change that person so we could love them. How about praying that GOD change YOU, so HE could use you to show others that hate is not an option.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

January 13, 2011

“Don’t use foul or abusive language. Let everything you say be good and helpful, so that your words will be an encouragement to those who hear them.” Ephesians 4:29, NLT~
     Do you ever stop and think about what just came out of your mouth? Most of the time we do not. Talking is part of our everyday life. We talk about our day, the things we doing or want to do. But sometimes we talk about others (gossip).  The language we use sometimes is not the best. Even our attitudes when we talk could give the other person(s) the wrong message.
     So what are we to do about the most lethal weapon we all have? TAMED IT! Yes, tamed it! Your tongue can hurt more than a knife through the heart, more than a slap on the face even more than a bullet wound. Our words can encourage our friends or drive them to do something senseless.
     I personally don’t like people that use foul language to describe something simple or funny. I wish I could carry with a bar of soap so I can wash their mouth every time they use foul language. What happen to be polite when we talk to others? Just because you don’t like someone or they have been mean you have to refer to them with derogatory words and talk about them.  Where are our manners these days?
     Someone once told me that she wish her kids were more polite. The solution to this: 1) be an example. Kids are really paying attention to everything we say and do. Look at your children as a reflection of yourself. If they are acting different you may want to find out where they are listening to that kind of foul language. 2) Talk to your kids about the language they use. Ask them if they will like to be talk to using that kind of language.
     I do admit some things get to me and my tone of voice and attitude is not the best. I also find it kind of hard to apologize. But I know GOD is not done with me yet. I do consider myself one of HIS masterpieces that still need a little work here and there to be perfect.
FOOD FOR THOUGHT: Would you use your tongue to encourage others or to put them down? Would you let anger and frustration get the best of you? Are you going to let your tongue make you stumble in your Christian walk?

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

January 12, 2003

"Rejoice in our confident hope. Be patient in trouble, and keep on praying." Romans 12:12, NLT~
     Thank you Lord because you give me hope, and you are so patient with me; even when I ask too many questions. But I will always keep on praying.
     It’s kind of hard to be patient during trouble times. Especially in the last few years were our economy had taken a turn for the worst. Some more than others have been affected financially. Some have lost their jobs, their house their car even marriages have been hit hard because of financial distress. But there are those of us who know that GOD will always be there for us and that HE will provide all of our needs.  
     GOD will always answer our prayers! Don’t stop praying! Never under estimate the power of prayer! Through prayer we can present to GOD our worries and leave them with HIM. When coming to GOD in prayer, first be thankful for all the blessings HE has bestow upon you. Then ask for forgiveness of your sins and come to HIM with a humble heart. Don’t let any unfinished business hinder your prayer. GOD knows what you need and HE will answer your prayer on HIS time. When HE does you better listen and do as HE command you. Be obedient!
     Don’t let the worries of this world or anyone take your joy away. No one likes a grouch.  You may think GOD has forgotten about answering your prayer. But trust me, HE will answer it. But we need to understand that is on HIS time, not ours. Let’s put ourselves on the co-pilot seat of our lives and let GOD be the pilot of our live. HE knows what is best for us. Don’t despair! Don’t be anxious! HE is always listening.
FOOD FOR THOUGHT: Are you willing to give GOD absolute control of your live? Or are you going to wait until HE takes the control from you? Think about it this way, when our children don’t listen to us we try to teach them a lesson by getting their attention somehow. Well… we are GOD’s children and HE does the same thing to us. Next time you wonder why this happens to me, don’t think GOD is trying to punish you but merely trying to teach you a lesson.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

January 11, 2011

"In him we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of sins, in accordance with the riches of God’s grace." Ephesians 1:7, NIV~

     Good Morning Lord! Thank you for the blood of your son Jesus and the forgiveness you give us. Don't you ever think you can't be forgiven. GOD's grace is out of this world. HE forgives us anything. But you have to truly repent & come with a humble heart.
     Have you ever felt that there is something you have done and you will never be forgiven for? Well... wake up and smell the roses! I got news for you! GOD gave HIS son so we could be forgiven for our sins. GOD's grace is out of this world! We may not understand how GOD can forgive a murderer or a child abuser. They deserve to be just put in jail and throw away the key. But that's the human way of dealing with it.
     We also know that no evil will go unpunished. Anyone that breaks the law will pay the consequences. The bad things they do should not be forgiven at all, not even by GOD. But that's our human brain thinking. GOD did not send HIS son to die on the cross just for a few of us. HE send HIS son to die for us ALL! The good, the bad, the ugly and the downright unlovable.
     What make it different? Those who have done wrong and the must unforgivable things (according to human standards) will be forgiven as long as they repent from their sins, accept JESUS as their Lord and Savior; and understand that the grace of GOD is enough. They will still have to pay for what they have done according to our laws. But on GOD's eyes they're still HIS children too.
FOOD FOR THOUGHT: Have you ever done something, which you know is wrong and think that if you tell anyone you will never be forgiven? Be true to yourself and come to GOD in prayer and ask for HIS forgiveness. Don't let anything damage your relationship with GOD. HE is your best friend for life. Even when HE knows what you did, HE wants to hear it from you. HE wants you to acknowledge it and ask for forgiveness. Whatever it is that you did, somehow hurt someone else, ask for their forgiveness too; even if they don't accept your repentance is a start to let GOD work in their heart too.

January 10, 2011

“What should we do?” asked some soldiers. John replied, “Don’t extort money or make false accusations. And be content with your pay.” Luke 3:14, NLT~

     Thank you Lord for another day & all your blessings. You may wonder why I posted this verse. We may not extort money or make false accusations. But how many times do we complaint about not making enough money in our jobs. The economy is rough, we all know that. We may feel overworked and underpaid. But be thankful that you have a job. Can you just be content with your pay?
     We let our human nature take the best of us. We try to live above our means; we try too hard to keep up with the Joneses. What kind of example are we giving the next generation? We tend to give our children more than what we had at their age so they don't feel like the underdogs around their friends. Well I think is time for some tough love for all of us!
     Make it a goal this year to save more, spend less. Let's teach our children how hard is to earn your own money and work for what you want. We all know that if we are obedient and faithful the Lord will supply what we needs. Clip coupons, buy the off brand, look thru the clearance rack first, check out the local thrift store, and take a ride around town on Saturday morning to check out the yard sales.
     There is nothing wrong with living within your means. Avoid debt as much as you can. It's hard but not impossible. Let's give our nation's economy a good jumpstart with the next generation. Let's lead them by example.



     I'm glad you could stop by and check out my blog. You may be wondering what I am up to now. Well one of my many goals for the New Year is to share with you some of my thoughts. You are welcome to comment. I hope I can make you laugh, make your day better or even be the one that can give you a word of encouragement. We all need it at one point or another. Suggestions are always welcome too! Can't wait to see how this new adventure unfolds!


ZML :)